HKJ Gives Back Through the CORRAL Riding Acadamy

HKJ Gives Back

"A HUGE shout out to HKJ Construction who worked with their vendors and associates to update our barn roof - all completely free! And just in time for this year's Derby Dinner, too!" – Dena Haugley

CORRAL Riding Academy is a Christian nonprofit organization and long-term intervention which aspires to shepherd girls through their difficult middle and high school years and into college. Horses are used as the central component of the program because CORRAL relies heavily on the power of horses to heal. The 5-Pillar Approach of CORRAL allows participants to take what they learn at CORRAL and apply it in their lives far beyond the horse farm.

Jerry Haugley – Project Manager for Harold K. Jordan and Co., Inc (HKJ Construction) and his wife Dena Haugley have a niece that has entered the program. Jerry and Dena both have donated to the program in several unique ways.

“My niece has been in the program for 4 years now and she has gone from failing out of school, hanging with the wrong crowd, to all A's and B's, with 3 college acceptance's, including a scholarship to Meredith. I can tell you I have witness this program work miracles in these girls and my niece has blossomed into a confident young woman. This program truly saved her life,” said Dena.

One way Jerry donated recently, he managed to secure vendors and subcontractors to provide materials and labor to install a new barn roof for the horses at the CORRAL Riding Academy.

“Jerry and some friends spent two weekends preparing the roof for the roofers, putting down the plywood. CORRAL gave all the thanks to HKJ” said Dena.

Their belief is anyone who has been broken can be made whole again and that horses can reach the heart of an at-risk girl in a way that others in their lives often cannot.

Harold K. Jordan and Co., Inc. (HKJ Construction) is proud of our employees and their efforts by devoting and donating what they can to better our surrounding communities. Thank you Jerry and Dena for making us proud.